Remember how Ranveer Kapoor had praisedKareena Kapoor on 'Koffee With Karan', saying that he had been in love with Kareena from the time he was a young boy. Ranveer Singh also revealed on the same show that he has idolised Kareena right from his teens. So, when the actor got the news thatSanjay Leela Bhansali is casting him and Kareena together in his upcoming film Ram Leela, Ranveer was on cloud nine.
Ranveer was even heard saying, "I have never looked so good with any of my co-stars the way I will look with Kareena. She is a diva and I'm just too fortunate to be able to work with her so soon in my career."
When a daily asked about their age difference Ranveer said, "Kareena doesn't look anywhere the age that she is. She looks much younger than many young girls around. So that thought hasn't even crossed my mind. I'm just looking forward to having great time working with her."
The actor, who was dying to work with Kareena, is heartbroken since the time he has learned thatKareena Kapoor is not the part of the movie Ram Leela anymore. And now Ranveer Singh will share the screen with Priyanka Chopra.
Hmm... poor Ranveer, it seems that his dream of working with Kareena will remain a dream only!
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